
In the home page we showed the usefulness of randomness extractors with an example. While it may have seemed like an artificial scenario, the need to eliminate side-information or extract good1Different definitions for good randomness can be found in the literature. In this context, by good we mean that it looks uniform from the point of view of an adversary that may have access to some side-information. This definition aligns with the criterion of cryptographic randomness, which requires that the randomness remains unpredictable even for an adversary. randomness from a biased or weak source is, in fact, a common occurrence in numerous cryptographic protocols. In addition, randomness extractors have played and still play an important role in theoretical computer science.

Randomness and cryptography#

Randomness plays a crucial role in cryptography. Almost all cryptographic protocols require good randomness. Moreover, information-theoretically secure protocols require strict conditions for the randomness being used. For example, the security of the one-time pad encryption only holds if the key is truly uniform. If this is not the case and the key is, for example, the output of a pseudo random number generator (PRNG), then the encryption is only as strong as the PRNG.

Imperfect randomness and extractors#

The problem is that it is difficult to obtain true randomness2Similar to good randomness, it is possible to find different definitions for true randomness in the literature. In this context, we mean randomness whose unpredictability does not arise from the lack of information about the setup (e.g. a fair dice would be predictable if we knew the exact initial conditions of the throw), but from a more fundamental reason (e.g. from the inherent random behaviour of a quantum system). from any physical observation. One possible approach is to design and run quantum experiments whose possible outcomes are uniformly distributed. In an ideal setup, we could, in principle, obtain perfectly uniform and unpredictable randomness. This is not the case in more realistic scenarios where imperfections, either in the preparation of the quantum states or in the measurements, will affect the overall quality of the output randomness.

Here is where randomness extractors come into play. Randomness extractors are deterministic functions that can convert imperfect randomness3One possible way of characterizing an imperfect randomness source is by giving a lower bound on its conditional min-entropy. Roughly speaking, this is a bound on the probability of correctly guessing the outcome. into \(\epsilon\)-close-to-perfect randomness4How close the output is to the uniform distribution is measured in terms of the statistical distance., where \(\epsilon\) can be a positive number as small as desired, at the expense of shortening the output length.

There are different families of randomness extractors. For example,

  1. seeded randomness extractors take as input a weak randomness source and a small uniform seed, or

  2. multi-source randomness extractors that, instead of a perfect seed, take two or more weak imperfect randomness sources.

randextract currently implements seeded randomness extractors, specifically, seeded quantum-proof strong randomness extractors that are well-suited for applications that deal with quantum, classical or no side-information.
