Use case: Quantum Key Distribution#
Although randomness extractors are useful in many different scenarios, writing this Python package was motivated mainly by their usage in Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Because of that, we want to give a brief introduction to QKD. Feel free to jump directly to the next section if you are not interested in QKD.
Quantum cryptography \(\neq\) Quantum computing
Quantum cryptography, and in particular QKD, has nothing to do with quantum computing. QKD can be implemented without access to a quantum computer. The only link between these two fields is that quantum cryptography protocols remain secure even if an attack has access to unbounded computational capabilities, including access to quantum computers.
Quantum-proof strong randomness extractor remain secure even if the adversary has access to a quantum memory or a quantum computer.
Key exchange protocols#
To communicate securely over an insecure channel we need to encrypt the messages. To the eyes of an eavesdropper1In cryptography this eavesdropper is usually called Eve, while the honest parties are referred to as Alice and Bob. these ciphertexts must look like random noise, so that no information about the original messages gets leaked. Encryption requires secret keys, and to establish a secret key we need a secret channel. This sounds like the chicken or the egg problem. So what can we do?
If Alice wants to communicate with Bob at some time in the future they could both meet in person and exchange secret keys. Later, they could use those keys to encrypt their communication. This solution solves the problem, but it is not very practical. What if Alice wants to communicate with Charlie, who is very far away, and they cannot meet in person to exchange some keys? And what if Alice wants to communicate with tens or hundreds of different people and not just one?
In the late 70s this problem was solved with the invention of public-key cryptography2Public-key cryptography is also called asymmetric cryptography. and key exchange methods based on it, such as Diffie–Hellman–Merkle and RSA.
Nowadays, these, and also newer public-key protocols, are widely used to establish secure communications. However, they all belong to the same category of computationally secure cryptography. What does this mean and, can we do any better?
Information-theoretic security#
One of the main results highlighted in Shannon’s seminal paper [1] is that to achieve perfect secrecy, that is, encryption that leaks absolutely nothing3One intuitive way of thinking about this is in terms of guessing probabilities. We say that a ciphertext leaks nothing about the message if, after observing the ciphertext, the best we can do is guess at random the original message. about the original message, we need secret keys at least as long as the message we want to encrypt. As an example, the one-time pad requires keys exactly as long as the messages and achieves perfect secrecy.4The one-time pad leaks the length of the plaintext. This is in general true for any perfect secrecy encryption scheme as it is not possible to obtain a uniform probability distribution on an infinite set. However, it can be avoided by using a proper protocol that fixes the length of all messages to the same size (by padding with zeros the small messages, for example) or by splitting the messages in blocks of fixed size.
The one-time pad is an example of an information-theoretically secure encryption method. On the one hand, we say that a protocol is information-theoretically secure if its security can be proven without any assumptions about an adversary’s computational power and time. On the other hand, protocols that are only secure after assuming certain limitations on the adversary’s computational power are called computationally secure. In addition, computationally secure protocols may rely on the unproven hardness of certain problems such as factoring large numbers.
Going back to the key exchange methods we mentioned before, both Diffie–Hellman–Merkle and RSA are computationally secure. Diffie–Hellman–Merkle relies on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem and RSA relies on the hardness of factoring large numbers. These assumptions will no longer make sense when we have access to large enough quantum computers, since the Shor’s algorithm will allow to efficiently solve both problems.
Unfortunately, there is no information-theoretically secure key exchange method using classical communication. And here is where quantum physics comes to the rescue…
Quantum Key Distribution#
If we don’t limit ourselves to only classical communication, it is possible for two honest parties to agree on a common secret key by using an insecure quantum channel and an authentic5An attacker can see any messages sent over an authentic channel but it cannot modify them or impersonate any of the honest parties. It is possible to establish an authentic channel from an insecure channel using a small shared secret. Because of this, QKD should be seen as a key expansion protocol, rather than an agreement or distribution one. classical channel using QKD protocols.
Any QKD protocol6If you want to learn more about QKD you can check our QKD for Engineers website. always has two parts:
a quantum part, where Alice and Bob exchange and measure quantum states over a quantum channel
a classical post-processing part, where Alice and Bob derive a secret key from the raw output of the quantum phase.
Here is a brief description of the quantum part of the first QKD protocol [2].
BB84 protocol (quantum part only)
Alice prepares a photon, polarized in one of the following angles: 0º, 45º, 90º or 135º. Polarizations corresponding to angles 0º and 90º are denoted as the horizontal basis. Polarizations 45º and 135º as the diagonal basis. Alice chooses the polarization at random and takes note of her choice, i.e. two bits, one bit corresponding to the basis choice, and one for the actual angle from that basis.
She sends the photon to Bob over the untrusted quantum channel.
Bob, also at random, chooses whether to measure the photon in the horizontal or diagonal basis, and takes note of his choice and the measurement result.
They repeat the previous steps several times.
After the quantum part, Alice and Bob have two (classical) raw bit strings \(X_A\) and \(X_B\). These bit strings will generally not be equal, nor perfectly secret. That is why the second part is crucial. The classical post-processing will
determine if Eve has learned too much about the raw key, and abort if that is the case
fix the errors and remove any side information Eve may still have.
The first part is done by sacrificing part of the raw bit strings and performing what is usually called parameter estimation or testing. Alice and Bob will take a random sample, announce all the details about the quantum part and determine if it is possible for them to agree on a secure key. They do this by basically counting errors. If they observed higher discrepancies this could be due to a noiser channel, but in the worst-case, they have to assume that an eavesdropper has learned some information about their remaining bit strings. If they estimate this leaked information to be higher that some threshold, they abort the protocol to avoid agreeing on an insecure key.
The second part, assuming the protocol didn’t abort, is done in two sequential steps:
7In QKD protocols this is tuned by specifying a particular value for the security parameter
Information reconciliation will fix the errors between \(X_A\) and \(X_B\) with high probability.7In QKD protocols this is tuned by specifying a particular value for the security parameter \(\epsilon_\text{corr}\)-correctness. This can be achieved by sending additional information over the authentic channel and applying some syndrome decoding.
8The probability of successfully removing this side information is tuned by a different security parameter,
usually denoted as \(\epsilon_\text{sec}\)-secrecy.Privacy amplification will reduce the side information Eve may have about the bit strings.8The probability of successfully removing this side information is tuned by a different security parameter, usually denoted as \(\epsilon_\text{sec}\)-secrecy. This side information is quantum because, in addition to eavesdropping the classical communication, Eve is free to do anything with the quantum states sent over the quantum channel. In particular, she can store them in a quantum memory.
Privacy Amplification#
Roughly speaking, privacy amplification is the task of shrinking a partially secret string to a highly secret key.
To achieve this task, we can use randomness extractors. However, not all randomness extractors are suitable for the privacy amplification step in QKD. We require that they are
9An adversary with a quantum memory could delay the read-out of the side information, i.e., perform a
quantum measurement, until the optimal moment, which could be even after the protocol has finished.
quantum-proof, meaning that they are still secure in the presence of quantum side information, because an adversary could have a quantum memory9An adversary with a quantum memory could delay the read-out of the side information, i.e., perform a quantum measurement, until the optimal moment, which could be even after the protocol has finished., and
strong, which means that the output is independent of the seed used, because the seed is communicated over the classical channel and therefore known to the adversary.
The security of QKD protocols strongly depends on the correct implementation of the privacy amplification step. Any bugs in this step may lead to partially insecure keys in the best case, and totally breaking the security in the worst case. That is why it is crucial to have a reliable library to perform privacy amplification.